A step by step guide to find a team, identify your division, and register to pay and play in the Bill Parrish Family 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament
August 2nd-3rd
ICCU Dome Parking Lot - Pocatello, Idaho
Find a team*:
Most players simply gather their friends and build their own teams. Teams must consist of a minimum of three players, and no more than five players
2. Identify your division:
The Bill Parrish Family 3-on-3 Tournament has divisions for all ages and both genders. Divisions are listed below.
"G" League: Open up to 4th grade
Pre-NBA Division: 5th-6th grade
Liam Division: 7th-8th grade
Keegan A Division: 9th-10th grade
Keegan B Division: 11th-12th grade
Competitive Division: Men's Open
Bill Division: Men's Over 30
Ross Division A: Women's Open up to 12th grade
Ross Division B: Open 18+ (After High School)
3. Collect information to register a team
Once you have a team, and have identified your division the next step is to determine registration fees, and collect information from your team mates to complete the registration form and pay the registration fees.
Thanks to our generous sponsors the cost of registering a youth team is just $50.00. The cost of registering an Adult team is $100.00.
Be prepared to pay registration fees when registering your team. You will need a credit card or paypal account for this next step If your team is being sponsored (a business or individual is paying your fees) you will need your sponsor’s name and information when registering
To register your team you will need the following information:
The full name of each team member
Contact information (phone number & email) for the team captain (contact participant for the team)
Should you choose to provide all team member’s phone numbers and emails we will send schedules and updates to all team members.
The age of each team member
4. Register & Pay to Play
If you’ve successfully completed Steps 1-3 you’re ready to register and pay to play. Open, complete and submit the form below:
Youth participants must have their parent/guardian complete the MINOR Participant Waiver & Assumption of Risk (available below)
Adult participants will complete the ADULT Participation Waiver & Assumption of Risk (available below)
*Please note, you can, if necessary complete this form on game day; however we recommend each team member complete the form in advance to expediate the process on game day
6. Review & Download Tournament Rules & Regulations (available below)
Our schedule to play will be available online. This year, game times and courts will be available on the Tourney Machine app. Instructions for accessing and using the app are available below. Schedule info will be available by 10 am on Friday, August 2nd.