
Together We Can Save Lives & Change Lives!

The Bill Parrish Family 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament sponsored by the Chubbuck Lions, the Phil Meador Group, Idaho Central Credit Union and Portneuf Medical Center is run entirely by volunteers. Your participation makes the work of the Lions Club and the NO CO Foundation possible to save lives and improved lives possible- THANK YOU!

  1. Volunteer to assist with the running of the tournament on Friday, August 2nd (5:00-9:00 p.m.) & Saturday, August 3rd (8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.). Volunteers are needed to:

  • Officiate half court 3 on 3 games on Saturday, August 2nd

    • There will be as many as 18 courts in operation, as such we will need a number of officials. Game play will begin at 9:00 am on Saturday and run until the tournament is complete (likely mid-afternoon, dependent on participation). Games will be played to 21 points with a maximum of 20 minutes. If you are able to come the whole day, or even for an hour or two, we welcome whatever help you can provide. To ensure fair play we prefer “certified” officials, but will welcome those who are not certified to help officiate with certified officials. If you are willing, or know someone who is willing and able to officiate games please complete the online Volunteer Now form attached and/or contact Daniel Parrish at (208) 406-3503, be prepared to tell him the times you are available to officiate on Saturday, August 5th.

Volunteer Now

  • Keep score with a friend on Friday, August 2nd and Saturday, August 3rd

    • Each court (18) will need 1-2 scorekeepers. Scorekeepers are needed for optional Friday pool play as well as for Saturday elimination games. Scorekeepers will keep score and ensure team scores are provided to the bracket desk for elimination play. If you are willing to help with scorekeeping please take a few minutes and complete the online Volunteer Now form.

Volunteer Now

  • Assist with set up and takedown of the tournament.

    1. Assistance will be needed on Thursday, August 1st, Friday, August 2nd and Saturday, August 3rd to set up and take down the tournament. Volunteers are needed on Thursday @6:00 p.m. and on Friday @3:00 pm. to prepare the tournament grounds in the parking lot at Highland High School. Work will include setting up courts, booths, concession stands, awnings, measuring and painting courts etc.. Following the tournament everything needs to then be taken down, packed up and Highland High School returned to its ‘native’ state. Take down will occur following the tournament on Saturday, Afternoon, August 3rd (likely late-afternoon, dependent on participation). All assistance in setting up or taking down the tournament would be greatly appreciated. If you are willing to help with setup and takedown please take a few minutes and complete the online Volunteer Now form

Volunteer Now

  • Assist with concessions and information booths.

    • There will be a number of concession stands and information booths including a Lions Club and NO CO Information booth (run by members of the Lions Club and NO CO) If you are willing to help with concessions please take a few minutes and complete the online Volunteer Now form

Volunteer Now

  • Supervise multiple courts.

    • Supervisors are needed to manage 4-5 courts and ensure the games on each court are ready and that officials and scorekeepers are in place, and doing their job correctly during the tournament. Supervisors should be prepared to pitch in if necessary and work with the Volunteer coordinator to ensure courts are correctly manned. Supervisors are needed for both Friday and Saturday play. If you are willing to help with supervision please take a few minutes and complete the online Volunteer Now form

Volunteer Now

 2. Become an advocate

  • Share information about the 3-on-3 Basketball tournament through word of mouth and social media.

    • The 3-on-3 Basketball tournament has divisions for all ages and both genders, we hope to see participation from across the entire region. Download the 3-on-3 flier about the tournament. To maximize participation please distribute this information via your email, church and civic groups.

    • Use social media (facebook, instagram, twitter etc...) to share the following Chubbuck Lions website. Flood the web with information about the Tournament.

    • Visit our Chubbuck Lion Youtube site and view and share our playlist

  • 3. Loan your resources to make the tournament possible.

    • The organizing committee has acquired the majority of tools to make the 3-on-3 Basketball tournament run effectively; however the tournament is still in need of a number of free standing awning and canopies. Canopies will be used at concessions and booths, and to provide shade to volunteers and participants during the tournament. Last year we needed and used 30 canopies. We are well short of that number and will need more. If you are willing to loan or gift an awning(s) for the event please take a few minutes and complete the online form.

Donate Resources Now


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The tournament requires many, many volunteers to run effectively and efficiently. If you are able to help in more than one way, it would be most appreciated. If you have friends and/ or family that would be willing to volunteer please share this information with them.

Any questions or concerns regarding volunteering can be directed to Cindy Ness at cinphardy@gmail.com. Questions regarding the tournament can be directed to Fred Parrish @ parrfre2@isu.edu or at (208) 406-3502. Additional information is available @www.chubbucklions.org.

Bill, Ross, Keegan and Liam will always be missed, please help us to honor their memory while saving lives and changing lives by participating in this great event.

Cindy Ness & Lynne Foster

Volunteer Coordinators

Game Day Sign Up