Working Together We Can Make a Difference!

The goals of the Bill Parrish Family 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament are simple- our purpose is to educate and help stop Carbon Monoxide poisoning, and to preserve and restore sight and hearing.


The Bill Parrish Family 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament was created along with the NOCO Foundation following the deaths of the Bill Parrish family, as a result of Carbon Monoxide (CO) poisoning in the Spring of 2014. The deaths of Bill, Ross, Keegan and Liam were all the more tragic because they could have been prevented if the family had known more about the danger of Carbon Monoxide and protected themselves from this silent killer.

The tournament's goals are hopes to ensure that no family suffers a similar loss because they didn't know how to protect themselves from Carbon Monoxide. In order to accomplish this the Chubbuck Lions, along with Idaho Central Credit Union, Phil Meador Group of Companies and the Portneuf Medical Center are hosting the Bill Parrish Family 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament on August 2nd-3rd 2024. Proceeds from the tournament will be dedicated to promote education a​nd awareness of carbon monoxide poisoning, and to preserve and restore sight and hearing, a cause near to the hearts of the BIll and Ross Parrish family.


Get Involved

In the past ten years thousands of volunteers have helped to make the tournament possible - scorekeepers, referees, Carbon Monoxide educators, food stand operators, eye and sight mobile units, nurses, National Guardsman, raffle runners, setter-uppers and cleaner-uppers. Net proceeds over the previous five years of the tournament have exceeded $80,000. As a result of the foundation's efforts thousands of Carbon Monoxide detectors have been distributed to those in need. In addition the No CO Foundation is in the process of coordinating with local fire departments to collectively distribute Carbon Monoxide detectors. Lastly, using funds generated by the foundation the Chubbuck Lions Club has purchased eyeglasses, and or provided eye exams for nearly 600 individuals. These services are offered not only in Southeastern Idaho but around the globe. The tournament is evidence that collectively we can do great things. Nothing can bring our loved ones back but the foundation has allowed us to use our tragedy as a springboard to learn from and help others.


You’re Invited to Get Involved!



The 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament is run by volunteers. Your participation makes the work of the Lions Club and the NO CO Foundation possible. There are numerous ways you can be involved- Thank You!

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Become a Sponsor

You can make a difference. We are looking for sponsors to ensure all profits go directly to sponsoring the NOCO & Lions Eye & Sight Foundation. Become a co-host, a court sponsor, team sponsor or donor. Our sponsors make our mission possible.